Top 10 các công cụ email marketing tự động và lợi ích khi sử dụng

Top 10 các công cụ email marketing tự động tốt nhất 2022

Với vai trò là chủ doanh nghiệp hoặc một marketer, việc kết nối nhiều hơn với khách hàng là điều cần thiết để mở rộng cửa hàng trực tuyến của bạn. Các chiến dịch tiếp thị thông thường tốn nhiều thời gian và kém hiệu quả. Do đó các công cụ tự động hóa sẽ là ý tưởng tuyệt vời để nuôi dưỡng khách hàng và tăng doanh số bán hàng.
Để giúp bạn biết được đâu là lựa chọn lý tưởng cho mình, Podorder đã đề cập tất cả tại bài viết này. Dưới đây là Top 10 các công cụ email marketing tự động tốt nhất và lợi ích khi sử dụng.

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eCommerce Shipping Pricing: The Beginners’ Guide in 2022

If you’re an eCommerce store owner, you probably already know that one of the most difficult tasks you face is setting shipping prices. Shipping costs are one of the biggest factors that influence purchasing decisions. So, how much should you charge customers to ship products? What method of shipping do you need to use? What will change in the next few years and how will it affect your eCommerce business and shipping strategy? 

Luckily, we’ve done some research on this topic and we can offer some valuable insights into the world of eCommerce shipping pricing. We will discuss plenty of strategies and tips out there that can help you make the best decision possible for your business. 

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Amazon A-Z Return Policy 2022: Everything You Have To Know

Amazon has one of the most liberal return policies among online retailers, as long as you’re familiar with the ground rules and know how to follow them properly. If you’re selling items on Amazon, it’s important to understand these rules so you can protect yourself from buyers who try to abuse the system, and so you can handle customers effectively when returns do happen. Here are the top things both sellers and buyers have to know about Amazon A-Z return policy.

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Top 10 Powerful Platforms To Manage Print On Demand Order Fulfillment

The demand of developing sales networking on print-on-demand put online store owners under pressure about how to manage print-on-demand order fulfillment efficiently. In this comprehensive post, we introduce an amazing management software of Podorder. The pre-integration with the leading E-commerce platforms globally and many print on demand order fulfillment websites globally make Podorder more powerful and ready to go for any store owners striving for success in the print-on-demand fields.  

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Top 15 Useful eBay Seller Apps (2022 updated)

Running your own business on eBay can be very rewarding but the online auction site also presents unique challenges to your day-to-day operations. So, what is the best way to get ahead of the competition and get the most out of your business? Using eBay seller apps! However, choosing the right ones for your eCommerce store isn’t easy.  

Here are the top 15 most useful eBay seller apps in 2022 based on popularity and practicality. Check it out and see if any of these apps can help you boost your sales today!

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Cách Để Giành Buy Box Trên Amazon

Cách Để Giành Buy Box Trên Amazon Đơn Giản Và Hiệu Quả Nhất 2022

Amazon đã khẳng định mình là người dẫn đầu không thể tranh cãi trong lĩnh vực thương mại điện tử. Gã khổng lồ bán lẻ trực tuyến bán hơn 120 triệu sản phẩm thông qua thị trường của mình và cung cấp giá cả sản phẩm ở mức cạnh tranh nhất. Đó là nơi tốt nhất để tìm một món hời. 

Bạn đã bao giờ tự hỏi tại sao các sản phẩm được bán trên Amazon thường rẻ hơn? Câu trả lời nằm ở cuộc cạnh tranh để giành Buy Box trên Amazon.

Trong bài viết này, chúng tôi sẽ phân tích các yếu tố và đưa ra cách để giành buy box trên Amazon vào năm 2022. Read more

Best Selling Products On eBay

Figure Out Top 10 Best Selling Products On eBay

In Q2-2020, eBay’s revenue increased 18%, and needless to say that eBay is one of the best eCommerce channels. This platform is especially well-known for its auctions and is available in countries around the world. Anyone can open an eBay account for free. You can choose to sell as well as buy the product. If you are going to start your business journey with eBay, this is the right decision.

Before actually opening your online store on eBay, make sure that you have identified your target customers and products through researching what are the best selling products on eBay.

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Amazon Video Requirements

Amazon Video Requirements: Sellers Can Not Miss This In 2022

All brand-registered Amazon sellers in the United States can now include product videos in their listings. This has the potential to have a huge impact on your brand. 90% of buyers think videos assist them to make purchasing decisions, and conversion rates on video-enhanced landing pages improve by 80%. 

In other words, including a product video on your listing is a game-changer that will provide your goods a competitive advantage in a congested marketplace. With over 60,000 registered brands on Amazon, this is a golden opportunity you cannot afford to pass up.

Let’s take a closer look at amazon video requirements and see how they might help your company stand out.

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