7 Surprising Google Shopping Ads Case Study You Need To Know

Google Shopping Ads have steadily become an important part of successful eCommerce marketing that has evolved into a profitable marketing channel for many businesses. In the Q1 of 2018, 76.4% of retail search ad spending was belonged to Google Shopping Ads making this platform the key for merchants increasing sales and driving brand awareness. If you’re on the fence about whether Google Shopping Ads are right for your business, check out the following Google Shopping Ads case study that may persuade you.

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8+ Effective Ways To Test Market For New Products And Marketing Strategy For Print On Demand

What is the process of testing product-market fit? What are the benefits of product testing? Why do some businesses choose to test market for new products rather than launching them at once? 

If you want some references for the question of how to test market for new products or look for marketing strategies to promote your print-on-demand service, this article is right for you! 

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Sản phẩm bán chạy trên Etsy

Top 15 sản phẩm bán chạy trên Etsy bạn nên biết 2022

Etsy đã trở nên rất phổ biến trong vài năm qua, do đó, rất nhiều người muốn bắt đầu bán hàng trên Etsy, nhưng một câu hỏi phổ biến mà hầu hết mọi người đều nghĩ đến đó là “Bán gì trên Etsy?”. Nếu bạn cũng nghĩ như vậy thì bạn không phải là người duy nhất đang bối rối trong việc chọn đúng danh mục hoặc thị trường thích hợp để bán.

Đừng lo lắng! Trong bài viết này, Podorder sẽ tiết lộ danh sách các sản phẩm bán chạy trên Etsy với bạn. Hãy cùng đọc bài nhé. Read more

TikTok Video Ideas For Business

TikTok Video Ideas For Business To Explode Your Audience in 2022

Trends are an unavoidable part of life in the modern world. You can’t dispute their influence on social media, whether you partake in them or not. TikTok is, of course, one of these platforms where content is heavily influenced by trends. To assist you in navigating this side of social media, we’ve compiled a list of Tik Tok video ideas to help you earn those views!

If you’ve been thinking about launching your own TikTok, you’re about to enter a strange world. When you initially start creating content, fancy filters, strange effects, green screens, dances, and duets may overwhelm you. We thought we’d offer TikTok video ideas with you to aid you through the process!

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Top 10+ Costly Twitter Marketing Mistakes To Explain Why You Can Not Convert Sales in 2022

Twitter is a popular social networking website with millions of users. A company that considers these people as prospective clients and markets to them effectively will earn a lot of exposure.

Using a platform like Twitter allows businesses to engage with their customer base at a low cost. It allows them to reach audiences all over the world while also allowing them to connect with consumers rather than always pushing products and services.

If you’re not cautious, Twitter marketing mistakes may build up to a negative image for your business. In this post, we’ve prepared a list of ten of the most typical Twitter marketing mistakes to avoid.

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