
Social Listening Tools: Which One Is The Best?

Social listening has changed the way marketers communicate with their target audience and how brands engage in authentic conversations with their customers. With the right social listening tools, companies can uncover what people are saying about them or their products online. From that, they can respond to any potential issues or concerns immediately while generating new leads and boosting revenue. 

Here are top social listening tools every marketer should know about when attempting to create an effective social media marketing campaign. Let’s begin. 

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Marketing Analytics Tools

Top Best 10 Marketing Analytics Tools For Ecommerce Sellers

Data is the best friend of every marketer which lets them know what is working well for the company’s campaigns, identify potential problems, and determine the aspect to focus the effort on. Marketers can access dozens of both free and paid marketing analytics tools to know the metrics to monitor. All of these tools support the ability to process data and extract insights accurately. However, it is not easy to pick a tool out of a hundred, let’s take a look at the top 10 marketing analytics tools to know which ones are worth your consideration.

There are the top 10 marketing analytics tools in this article. Each of them is full of advanced functions that allow eCommerce sellers to track and measure marketing data, understand user behavior to improve the performance of the business.

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Tik Tok Ads for eCommerce

Tik Tok Ads for eCommerce: New Marketing Trends in 2022

TikTok is available in over 150 countries, with users spending 476 minutes on the app each month, second only to Facebook. TikTok has a global user base of over 1 billion people, with 50 million+ active users producing $86.5 million in the United States alone.

If you are a store owner, Tik Tok Ads for eCommerce could be an unexplored market for you, especially if your marketing isn’t as effective as you’d like it to be. Because younger individuals are prone to marketing fatigue, they’re more inclined to skip through traditional promotions like display ads and even email marketing. So, how can you pique their interest in your items in a new and exciting way?

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Best Twitter Analytics Tools to Drive Your Conversion Effectively

10+ Best Twitter Analytics Tools to Drive Your Conversions Effectively 

Twitter is a great place to interact with friends and keep up with industry professionals. However, if you want to utilize it to promote your company or personal brand, you must do more than just send out random tweets. It’s also not enough to just publish your latest blog entries and product announcements.

In order to understand what’s working and what isn’t, a strong Twitter analytics tools strategy need in-depth Twitter analytics tools. Are there any clicks on your posts? Is there a certain type of content that performs better than others? What are the most popular subjects among your followers? What time of day do your followers seem to be the most active?

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Cross-Selling On Woocommerce

Top Best 8 PLugins For Cross-Selling On Woocommerce

Cross-selling on WooCommerce is a process of suggesting to existing customers similar or complementary products that they are already buying. It is a simple but important technique that supports sellers to generate higher revenue with less effort & time. It is applied and practiced during the buying process of customers in most eCommerce platforms or WooCommerce.

The main motive of cross-selling is to convince customers to spend more during the purchase process, helping the store increase sales. To help you successfully apply this strategy, we suggest the best 8 plugins for cross-selling on WooCommerce.

Let’s dig in!

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Top 15+ Deadly Google Ads Mistakes That Waste Your Money

Top 15+ Deadly Google Ads Mistakes That Waste Your Money 

When a Google Ads account is having issues, there are a few things to look at first. While a well-managed Google Ads account has the potential to deliver a lot of important traffic to your website, a single blunder can quickly deplete your budget.

A Google Ads account may rapidly become a costly marketing endeavor if not properly managed. That’s why we’ve put up a guide to help you avoid the pitfalls that lead to bad pay-per-click (PPC) campaign performance. Here are the top 15+ Google ads mistakes to look out for and how to resolve them.

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Top Powerful Content Writing Tools For SEO to Generate Sales 2022

Search engine optimization is one of the most important writing techniques you can employ to improve your content (SEO). SEO, in its simplest form, is the act of boosting a website’s exposure in search engines in order to increase overall website traffic. As a result, focusing on enhancing the SEO value of your online content may help you considerably expand your audience and generate long-term effects in terms of your digital writing success.

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How to Increase the Conversion Rate of Your Email Marketing Funnel in 2022

Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to reach out to customers. It’s simple, takes little time, and is less expensive than other forms of promotion. In fact, by 2020, an email will have surpassed social media as one of the most popular digital activities on the planet. Consumers and businesses alike adore the medium, which means you have the opportunity to increase conversion rates dramatically.

However, simply sending an email blast won’t get you the results you want right now. Every day, over 319 billion emails are sent and received, so you need to make sure yours stands out and encourages your consumers to take action.

This post will show you how to make your email marketing funnel convert like crazy. Let’s get started!

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