Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to reach out to customers. It’s simple, takes little time, and is less expensive than other forms of promotion. In fact, by 2020, an email will have surpassed social media as one of the most popular digital activities on the planet. Consumers and businesses alike adore the medium, which means you have the opportunity to increase conversion rates dramatically.

However, simply sending an email blast won’t get you the results you want right now. Every day, over 319 billion emails are sent and received, so you need to make sure yours stands out and encourages your consumers to take action.

This post will show you how to make your email marketing funnel convert like crazy. Let’s get started!

I. What’s an Email Marketing Funnel?

1. What’s an email marketing funnel

What's an email marketing funnel

Before you can create an email marketing funnel, you must first understand what it is and why it is useful. 

An email marketing funnel is not the same as sending a single email blast to your consumers. The key distinction is that an email marketing funnel captures the full customer experience by acting as a helpful guide that directs clients to relevant content. An email marketing funnel depicts how a subscriber progresses from a prospective lead to a client via educational and promotional email contacts. Marketers must anticipate the demands of their subscribers in order to send an email at the proper time to evoke action. Email funnels illustrate the four stages of the client lifecycle:

  • Interesting products
  • Extra information
  • Welcomes them onto the journey
  • Shows appreciation for continued loyalty

In a nutshell, it lays out the path from the moment your consumer recognizes your brand to the moment they make their first purchase and beyond. By engaging customers at various touchpoints, an effective email funnel goes a long way toward gaining trust, increasing brand recognition, and creating loyalty.

While many businesses may not put a lead at each level, it is critical to understand the activities your subscribers can take with your brand. However, the ultimate goal is to keep them moving and converting down your funnel until they become devoted clients.

2. Why do you need an email marketing funnel?

Why do you need an email marketing funnel?

Traditional marketing approaches no longer fool subscribers, and sales advertising strategies turn them off. An email marketing funnel is distinct in that it enables marketers to distribute communications at the appropriate times, allowing each email to be tailored for each subscriber. Personalization alone can increase your open rates by up to 26%.

Email marketing funnels handle your lead as an individual, not just a name on a list, allowing you to pinpoint where they are in the buyer’s journey and interact effectively. While there are numerous advantages to creating an email marketing funnel, consider the following:

  • Did you realize that acquiring a new customer is ten times more difficult than selling to an existing one? You’ll be able to continuously produce new leads while keeping your existing email list if you use an email marketing funnel.
  • With the correct technology, your email funnel may continue to sell for you on autopilot, much like an experienced salesperson operating around the clock (with less invasion and hard sales pitches).
  • When you continually provide a pleasant brand experience to your clients, they will become your very own super-fans who will advocate for your items. They get there through an email funnel.

3. Stages of a successful email marketing funnel

Stages of a successful email marketing funnel

Most effective email marketing funnels have these main stages:

  • Increase brand awareness: Your funnel’s first function is to introduce your brand. This involves your products and services, but it also includes articulating your brand’s beliefs and personality. This is where introduction emails come into play, as well as your genesis story.
  • Curiosity should be sparked: Following that, your funnel should attempt to pique the interest of clients. What can your products do for them? What issues do they address? What distinguishes you from other brands?
  • Conversion: Once you’ve gotten your clients to browse, it’s crucial to present them with the correct product at the right moment. Hopefully, this will persuade them to make their first purchase.
  • Create loyalty. Reward repeat purchases, provide exceptional customer service and make sure clients don’t forget about you months after their initial purchase.
  • Recruit brand advocates. The most successful funnels not only secure sales but also create lifelong admirers. The long-term purpose of an email marketing funnel is to encourage customers to spread the word.

Now that you know what an email marketing funnel is and what it can accomplish. How can you make sure your email marketing funnel efficiently drives conversions? You may be driving a profitable email marketing plan in no time if you follow a few key best practices below.

II. How to Convert Your Email Marketing Funnel

1. Make an excellent copy

We have a tendency to believe that we must put up a maximum effort in order to boost our chances of getting more subscribers and leads. It’s the polar opposite. If you send a basic but powerful message to your target audience, you’ll have a lot higher chance of attracting and converting them. Keep your message short, sweet, and to the point in order to capture their attention. Instead of trying to include all of your product’s features, you may concentrate on their benefits. People are a lot more interested in what’s in it for them, and they’ll appreciate it much more if you appeal to their emotions rather than their logic.

The key to producing effective copy is to write as if you were writing or speaking to a close friend. It’s difficult to write for an anonymous audience when you don’t know who they are. So, give it a face. It will assist you in relaxing and finding simpler language to more effectively communicate your idea.

2. Generate leads Generate leads

It’s important focusing your work on lead creation via an email subscription form before you worry about improving your email funnel. But how can you persuade folks to join?

Ensure that your form is easily accessible. You should include a subscription form on your website as well as social media links to your newsletter. You may even put up a popup that encourages visitors to sign up while they’re on your site.

Produce lead magnets. Nobody wants to give their email address away for free. Use a free digital download, a unique guide, discount codes, trial software, and other methods to entice readers.

Be open and honest from the start. It’s one thing to get people to join up, but keeping them subscribed is just as important. To avoid being startled by your email funnel, make sure clients know exactly what to expect from you when they sign up.

It’s critical to maintain your subscriber list structured once you’ve built one. Use a comprehensive CRM to keep track of vital client details so you can adjust your content to match their demands.

To increase your subscriber list, embed sign-up forms on your website. UNIF, a prominent women’s fashion brand, did a fantastic job at this by inserting interesting signup forms on all of its high-traffic pages.

You can put a sign-up form in the header, footer, or middle of the page, depending on the visitor’s trip through each page.

3. Optimize the number of form fields

The amount of form fields is another factor that can make or break the number of conversions you expect from your opt-in form. You’ll want to keep things as simple as possible here as well. If you want to get the most out of your opt-in, use between 2 and 4 form fields. Don’t ask for information that you won’t utilize in the first place. Filling out forms and pressing the CTA button should be simple and quick for consumers.

The usage of ghost text is another tool that will assist users in filling out form fields. The less apparent writing inside the form field that encourages users to accurately fill in the form is referred to as ghost text. Users will know exactly what is expected of them, and you will receive the information you require in this manner.

4. Highlight the benefits

Highlight the benefits

We all have hundreds of unread emails in our inboxes that we haven’t moved to spam. With so many businesses and websites requesting your email address, your inbox can quickly fill up. Most individuals will think twice before providing you their email address for this reason, or simply because they are highly cautious about sharing personal information.

To make amends, you’ll have to be willing to give them something in return. It might be something of tremendous value, such as industry tips and methods, a special subscriber offer, or an exclusive discount. Instead of simply stating, “Subscribe to our newsletter,” try something more enticing like, “Subscribe to receive the newest news and receive unique discounts.”

5. Personalize your emails

We discussed how important it is to stand out among the numerous other emails your consumers receive on a daily basis. Writing eye-catching email headlines and content tailored to them is one method to accomplish this. As a result, here’s how to personalize your emails in order to increase customer loyalty:

Make use of segmentation: Any email marketing automation platform worth its salt will include segmentation options that allow you to divide your audience into smaller groups. The segment’s prior shipment history, search patterns, geolocation, demographics, and more can then be used to construct and send emails.

Send product suggestions. Many solutions also allow you to send customized product recommendations in your emails automatically. This method makes use of data to figure out what products clients have lately been looking for or which products can benefit from a cross-sell.

Customers should be addressed by name. Unpersonalized emails have a 6x greater transnational rate and a 41% higher click rate. That is why it is critical to collect and use information such as names. Then, using the personalization tags in your email marketing program, add this information to your email headlines and content.

6. Provide value with every email

Provide value with every email

We’ll venture a guess that no customer has ever complained about a company sending too few emails. However, they might have something to say about receiving too many. When it comes to email marketing, the rule of quality over quantity should be followed.

Customers should never be bombarded with irrelevant information, offers, or sales pitches. Rather, each email you send should serve a purpose and add value.

These are some ways to add value to your email marketing funnels:

  • Investigate your customers’ wants and demands. You can do it by searching Google for relevant topics, browsing consumer forums, or simply asking your audience. You can then use this information to write articles that answer their issues and offer solutions.
  • Customers are more likely to stay enrolled if they receive coupons and discounts in their emails.
  • Provide critical information and announcements that have an impact on the consumer experience.
  • Customers who have expressed an interest in related products will only receive product information.

Adding value to your emails requires excellent writing, marketing psychology, and stunning pictures, as well as solving an issue for your clients.

7. Add social proof

Add social proof email funnel

It’s a fantastic idea to flash it if you already have a large number of subscribers. Demonstrating that you’ve been trusted with a lot of other people’s emails will encourage others to do the same.

You should show that how many other subscribers have made a choice you are asking the user to make, just like positive reviews can attract more consumers, which will illustrate that many people trust you, so why not them? Add something like “join our 10,000 followers” to make them feel like they’re part of a community. It creates a win-win situation for conversion.

8. Make the call-to-action button stand out

To attract as many subscribers as possible, it’s critical to get the CTA button perfect. It’s a touch too bland to use a word like “subscribe.” It is unlikely to attract or convert a large number of people. Experiment with different alternatives to pique user interest. Use a little humor, get a little more personal, and use action phrases all the time. Return to the idea of conversing with a dear friend. You wouldn’t merely tell them to “sign up.” You’d put a cherry on top of that cake.

III. Conclusion

There’s a lot to try out with all of these suggestions. Testing is also at the heart of improving the conversion of email marketing funnel.

While you may be pleased with the results, they may always be improved. Keep in mind that even the tiniest modification in your subject line can have a significant impact on the overall success of your campaign.
