Top 10 Proven Ways To Increase Website Traffic Effectively In 2022 (1)

Many organizations find it difficult to come up with fresh and creative techniques to boost website traffic. There’s a lot of misinformation out there about how to get more visitors, which might lead to you repeating the same old techniques and expecting different results.

In this post, you can find out the top 10 tried-and-true tactics to increase website traffic, both organically and through paid advertising.

What To Know About Increasing Website Traffic

What To Know About Increasing Website Traffic

The good news is that the process of acquiring your first customer and your hundredth customer is the same from a marketing standpoint. However, in order for traffic to successfully result in sales and profit, certain conditions must be met in order for traffic to convert and the cost to be sustainable. You should be asking yourself these questions increase website traffic:

  • Is this a decent item? A “good product” is one that meets your audience’s expectations and passes their implicit cost-benefit analysis.
  • Is there a sizable target audience? A market is a gathering of people who have already decided to spend money on something. Is everyone purchasing the same thing?
  • Is there a market that can be targeted? A target market is a collection of people who have evidently shared characteristics and have already spent money on something. Is there a market niche on which you may concentrate your efforts?
  • Is there a compelling product story and/or copy? Although you may have a clear “why” for the product in comparison to competitors, you must translate that pitch into an attractive online copy. Is your product pitch compelling enough for them to buy?
  • Is there a low-cost strategy to reach out to this demographic? The objective should be to maintain client acquisition costs as low as possible. Are you able to reach out to potential customers in a variety of ways to increase website traffic?

Which Tactic Is Best For Your Business?

What To Know About Increasing Website Traffic

Some of these sources will deliver higher-quality traffic to your company, while others may deliver lower-quality traffic. Let’s imagine you’re trying to reach out to young professionals who are looking for unusual office products. LinkedIn, rather than, say, Pinterest, would be a better choice to increase website traffic.

Double down on the most appropriate traffic you can uncover to achieve traffic acquisition success. Of course, “the most relevant traffic you can find” is highly subjective and unique to each individual, so let’s take a look at each strategy for increasing web traffic:

  • Tactics type. Whether the concept is intended to be a short- or long-term traffic generator. Short-term approaches produce faster benefits, but they necessitate more maintenance and reinvestment. Long-term strategies take longer to produce benefits, but they are more durable and require little to no upkeep.
  • Effort. How much time, expertise or experience will you need to invest in the strategy?
  • When will I see a return on my investment? (ROI). Investing time, effort, or money into a traffic-driving strategy will take days, weeks, or months to see a return on your investment in terms of increased traffic and revenue.
  • Cost. The amount of money you’ll need to start the strategy to increase website traffic.
  • Potential for traffic. The total quantity of traffic that your store could receive.

Top 10 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Website

Perform Keyword Research

Perform Keyword Research

Include relevant keywords in your text at all times. Keywords should be used naturally, not crammed into the content to the point where they distract the reader or detract from the core theme. Keywords should be used throughout the text, including in the meta description, page title, URL, headers, and a few other places.

You can utilize tools like Moz, Ahrefs, and SEMrush to conduct keyword research. These sites display what keywords competitors are using, how frequently people search for keywords, how expensive the term is for pay-per-click ads, related keywords, and much more useful data to help with keyword planning. Hiring an SEO service is also a viable alternative, as they can provide useful insights and conduct audits to uncover issues that are preventing your site from being seen in search engines.

On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO

Do you believe SEO is no longer relevant? Reconsider your position. Search engine optimization (SEO) is still a vital and worthwhile strategy. Are you utilizing picture alt text to its full potential? Are you linking to new content from within your site? What about meta descriptions, for example? On-page SEO optimization doesn’t have to be time-consuming, and it can help you increase organic traffic.

Before you do anything else, be sure your site has undergone an SEO evaluation. This allows you to spot any inconsistencies in your SEO efforts and correct them before they become a ranking issue. You can use a variety of tools to do an SEO audit, including Screaming Frog, SEMRush, Ahrefs, and others.

Check the SEO KPIs you’ve specified, such as traffic increase, bounce rate, and feedback, to see how your site is progressing. You maintain track of your site’s ranks and diagnose any difficulties, make sure to use a reliable SEO rank tracker.

Make a positive first impression on every visitor to your website. Improve your user experience by adding more content, video, graphics, updating it, and so on to your most popular landing pages and blog articles on your site. Get into your user’s heads and give the precise on-page items they require. With Google Analytics, you can see which pages are receiving the most traffic.


advertisement idea

We’ll start with this one because it’s the clearest. Paid search, social media advertising, and display advertising are all great ways to get your site in front of people and attract visitors. Adjust your paid methods to meet your objectives to increase website traffic

 – do you simply want more visitors, or do you want to boost conversions as well? Each paid channel has advantages and disadvantages, so think about your goals before reaching for your payment card.

If you want to increase visitors to your site while also increasing sales, you’ll need to use strong commercial intent keywords in your sponsored search campaigns. Yes, the competition for these search phrases can be strong (and costly), but the rewards can be well worth the effort.

Get Social

It’s not enough to provide excellent content and hope that people will discover it; you must also take proactive measures. Using social media networks to promote your content is one of the most effective strategies to drive traffic to your website. Twitter is great for quick, snappy (and tempting) links, but Google+ promotion can help your site appear in tailored search results and seems to work best in B2B areas. If you’re a B2C product company, image-heavy social media sites like Pinterest and Instagram could help you gain traction. Here’s some more information on how to make the most of social media marketing.

Create Memorable Content

Create Memorable Content

It’s not enough to simply submit the material; you also need to develop content that is memorable and stands out. In reality, one of the most effective strategies to increase website traffic is to provide relevant and memorable content.

People turn to Google for specific, complete, and correct answers to their questions, and your material should be there to supply them. In fact, websites with blog content have 434 percent more pages indexed by search engines than those without. Furthermore, sites that publish more than 16 articles per month receive roughly 3.5 times the amount of traffic as sites that publish zero to four articles per month.

The basic line is that web traffic should increase if you care about the material you create, upload often, and investigate what your audience wants to see.

Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

The days of only using desktop computers to browse the internet are long gone. More people than ever before use mobile devices to access the internet, and forcing your visitors to pinch and scroll their way across your site is effectively asking them to go somewhere else. Even if you only have a basic website, it must be accessible and comfortable to see on a variety of devices, including tiny smartphones to increase website traffic.

Send Email Newsletters

Using email newsletters to promote content is an efficient technique to increase website traffic. Here are some best practices for email marketing:

  • In the subject line and body of the email, provide appealing information from the material.
  • Subscribers can click a link or a button to read more of the material.
  • Check to see if your emails are mobile-friendly. Because mobile devices account for 46% of all email openings, links should be easily visible.
  • Make use of personalization techniques by including the subscriber’s name.
  • Use well-designed themes to make the email aesthetically appealing.
  • A/B tests different versions of emails to discover which ones get more opens and clicks.

Influencer Outreach

Influencer Outreach

Influencers in the industry are ready to contribute information that their fans will enjoy. Influencers can be reached in a variety of methods to increase website traffic, including:

  • If your piece mentions the influencer’s content or research, mention them in a social media post.
  • Request an interview/Q&A with the influencer, then tag or email the influencer when the content is published. They’ll almost certainly share your stuff with their followers.
  • When marketing the piece on social media, do a round-up with many influencers (e.g., “10 Experts Predict Small Business Trends for 2020”) and tag each of the participants.
  • Influencers can be paid to publish sponsored content on their social media profiles.

If you’re not sure where to begin, use tools like HypeAuditor and BuzzSumo to locate the proper influencers in your field, or hire a digital marketing agency to perform the work for you to increase website traffic.

Exchange Backlinks

There are several prospects for backlink exchanges with so many firms attempting to enhance website traffic. Contact relevant websites and offer your work as a resource to be included in one of their pieces. You can add an extra incentive by offering a mutually advantageous backlink swap, in which you promise to include one of their links in a post of yours to increase website traffic.

Start Guest Blogging

Start Guest Blogging

Before you say it, despite what you may have heard, authentic guest blogging isn’t dead. Securing a guest post on a popular website can help you improve blog traffic while also helping to promote your brand. However, be aware that guest blogging standards have evolved dramatically in the last eighteen months, and spamming approaches may result in harsh penalties. Proceed cautiously.

Guest posting on other people’s websites is a great strategy to get backlinks, increase referral traffic, and improve your search engine results page (SERP) ranks. Always do your homework before pitching a website in your industry to increase website traffic.

To begin, examine a website’s content to ensure it is of good quality, as well as its domain authority and guest blogging restrictions. Also, inquire if the newspaper will promote the post on social media and if you will be tagged.

Release to Influential Publications

When companies write press releases to market themselves or their clients, they shouldn’t merely throw them up on a press release syndication service and hope for the best. They must promote the release aggressively and send it to influential websites and magazines in their fields to increase website traffic.

When we want to share excellent news about a client, we send it to industry blogs and newspapers that their target audience reads. As a result, we can generate dozens of new prospects for the customer and increase referral traffic.

Mix It Up

Contrary to popular belief, there is no magic formula for content marketing success. As a result, change the length and presentation of your material to appeal to as many various types of readers as feasible to increase website traffic. For optimum impact, mix shorter, news-based blog entries with long-form material, video, infographics, and data-driven pieces.


Businesses should expect to increase website traffic over time if they take these actions. While some of these strategies bring immediate reward, others will require more time and patience. Continue to push forward by experimenting with different ways and assessing the results.
