
Effective email marketing content can transform cold leads into paying customers and loyal fans, but only if you understand your audiences and appeal to them. While building an email list is one of the most essential steps in any email marketing strategy, crafting compelling content is what keeps your subscribers engaged and eager to buy from you again and again. 

To help you with this vital component, we’ve put together the ultimate guide about top tips to write email marketing content that will drive sales and profits through the roof! Read on to learn more.

1. The importance of Email Marketing 

Before diving into top tips to write email marketing content, you should understand the importance of Email Marketing to any successful businesses. 

1.1 Email marketing is cost-effective 

One of email marketing’s biggest advantages is its cost-effectiveness. Unlike Facebook and other social media channels, email marketing is very affordable. No other marketing tool gives you a better bang for your buck, which is why it can be a fantastic way to start in business. 


It also means that if you have a small budget, it doesn’t necessarily have to limit what you can achieve with email marketing. You just need to ensure your message resonates with customers and drives them back to your business. This is where writing a compelling call-to-action comes in, so do not forget to read our tips to write email marketing content later on. 

1.2 Drives conversions and increase sales

Thanks to its direct nature, even a small list can drive conversions and generate significant sales leads. 40% of marketers report that email marketing leads to more sales than any other channel.


By telling others about your products through emails, they will be kept updated with new information, leading to increased sales. Although it may take months for some businesses to gain trust in their products, they can maintain their current customers’ loyalty while reaching out to new ones. In addition, sending emails constantly helps business owners keep track of how well their products are selling to adjust. 

1.3 Has higher ROI 

A 2017 study by MailChimp found email marketing to have an ROI of $38.68 for every dollar spent, higher than any other social media channel, including Facebook and Twitter. Clearly, companies can’t afford to ignore email marketing.


1.4 Allows for targeted messaging 

Because email marketing is so personalized, you can tailor your messages to different customers. In addition, due to user-based segmentation, you have greater control over how many customers receive your message. 


With social media marketing, everyone sees it or hears about it, so those with truly compelling content are more apt to succeed. Email marketing provides a more personal experience. Facebook posts may be public, and Twitter posts may contain links to outside content, but an email is delivered directly to a customer’s inbox. The recipient has permitted you to send them messages directly. You’re not always intruding on their time like with social media channels.

1.5 Reach customers in real-time

The idea behind email marketing is simple: Get a message in front of a person at a specific moment when they’re likely to be receptive. That could mean during lunchtime, right after work, or whenever. For businesses, it means converting browsers into buyers and repeat customers. 


Done correctly, an effective email marketing campaign can help people see your products as relevant to their needs without turning them off with aggressive sales tactics. It can also mean getting real-time feedback from customers who aren’t necessarily shopping for you right now but who might be looking for something you offer later on.

2. 4 types of Email Marketing content

Besides learning some tips to write email marketing content, finding out four main types of email marketing is necessary. 

2.1 Email newsletters 

Newsletters are an impressive means to share content with current subscribers. In addition, they’re an effective way to bring in new leads and nurture them down your conversion funnel, increasing your chances of getting a customer from email marketing. 


Having newsletters scheduled in advance can also help keep you consistent in producing content at a steady rate. If you have a huge audience on your list already, newsletters might be something you want to do more often, so you have ample opportunities to promote things like courses or affiliate links.

2.2 Acquisition emails 

These emails are used to attract potential customers by using great content and compelling CTAs. This is where you will establish a relationship with your customer. Acquisition emails allow you to build a new customer profile and collect data on their preferences and behavior, which can be valuable when customizing future marketing campaigns. 

Be sure to include some sort of offer in these emails, as well as links to previous content. For instance, consider offering them a mug for free in exchange for their email address. This strategy allows you to learn more about your potential customers’ interests while offering them something valuable. 


2.3 Retention emails 

This one is pretty simple. Chances are you’ve sent one or two of these before, either to yourself or someone you care about. A retention email serves as a friendly reminder to check in with your company (or product). 

Like real life, if you don’t keep up on things, it can be easy to forget what you initially started doing. This is doubly true for business. Perhaps something new was introduced or some sort of holiday ended, meaning people stopped using your product out of habit. 

2.4 Promotional emails 

These emails are promotional. The goal is to get customers to purchase items on your site. They serve two purposes: 

  • They advertise what you’re selling  
  • They encourage customers to buy it if they didn’t notice your product before.

Promotional emails don’t need to be complex, but you should ensure that they contain several products or products with several variations so customers can order more than one item.


3. Tips to write email marketing content 

After you’re getting to know some types of content, it’s time to discover the best tips to write email marketing content. 

3.1 Nail the subject line 

Among tips to write email marketing content, the first strategy is to nail the email subject line. To get recipients’ attention, focus on your subject line. Studies have shown that most email recipients spend just six seconds deciding whether or not to open an email. In other words, if your subject line doesn’t grab someone’s attention within that time, you can say goodbye to them.


However, crafting an effective subject line isn’t always easy. It should be relevant and indicate why they should read your email. That doesn’t mean that you have to include a lot of information. A wonderful idea to start is by asking yourself the following questions:

  • How would you react if you received an email with that title in your inbox?
  • Would it grab your attention? 
  • Would it make you want to click on it? 
  • Or would it cause you to delete without thinking twice? 

If an email marketing content isn’t prompting users to take some type of action, whether clicking on a link or making a purchase, it most likely won’t be successful at achieving its desired outcome.

3.2 Focus on the preview text and pre-header 

Besides the subject line, the preview text and pre-header also matter. While many marketers may treat these pieces as secondary, subject lines with pre-headers and preview text have been shown to increase open rates by 11%. The key is focusing on a good call-to-action to compel readers. If you have a well-written subject line, it’s easier for readers to see what they will get from clicking into your email. And that increases their chances of doing so.


Though, don’t fall into that trap of more words = better, clear and concise is enough. So be succinct and choose your words carefully. If you think something might be too long for people’s inboxes, it probably is.

3.3 Get personal & personalize whenever possible 

Every email you send out should be personalized. It seems like a no-brainer, but it’s shocking how many businesses fail to achieve that elementary standard. Your customers might expect an email from you, but not all of them will be receptive if your email doesn’t look like it was written for them. 


Whether you’re sending an announcement or promoting a new product, they are more likely to engage with your message if your customer can see their name attached. A straightforward approach to do that is using a tool such as MailChimp and adding their name in your subject line or initial greeting. Doing so will make it more personal and increase engagement with each email you send out.

3.4 Keep things short and concise 

Brevity counts when writing email marketing content. Most people have a minimal attention span when it comes to reading. If you’re not providing value from start to finish, you most likely won’t keep your audience engaged. 


For email marketing content, it is important to keep your emails brief and to the point. Using bullet points and subheadings to break down information into smaller chunks so that your audience can read at their own pace. And, don’t push them away by providing too much information at once. They won’t be interested and will unsubscribe from your list in no time. 

3.5 Include a simple but strong call to action 

Call to action phrases including Download Now, Buy Now, Subscribe now, etc. You want your subscribers to take action immediately after they have read your email. They should always have a clear sense of what you want them to do next – and why they should do it. 


Without a clear direction, it can be hard for someone to see why they should act right now. With an effective call-to-action, you’re leading people toward something specific; it gives them focus. You should also make sure your call to action isn’t overly broad or vague. You want there to be clarity behind what precisely you’d like them to do by clicking on one of your links.

Click on this link to find out more about tips to write email marketing content regarding the call to action button. 

3.6 Use psychology 

Human beings are emotional creatures. We’re drawn to certain things because of our feelings toward them, and things around us have influenced those feelings. Studies have shown that words like new, sale, and limited email marketing content result in higher open rates. It’s no wonder, these words stimulate our appetite for new experiences. So when we see them in our inboxes, it’s natural to want to click through. 


Let’s think: Wouldn’t you be more inclined to read an email if it were announcing a flash sale/limited edition instead of a boring announcement? While you might not capitalize on curiosity or excitement in every email, go ahead and use psychological tactics whenever possible. 

3.7 Test and split test (A/B)

One of email marketing’s biggest advantages is its ability to be tracked and measured, a key reason for its success. Many email marketers use A/B testing as a means of boosting click-through rates or increasing open rates. It’s something that should be part of every email marketer’s strategy. 


Basically, A/B testing is a method of comparison. It compares one version of a given email with another version (different in layout, color scheme, calls-to-action, etc.). You send one version to half your list and another to the rest, then compare open rates, click-through rates, and unsubscribe rates between both halves. The most crucial aspect of A/B testing is comparing apples to apples rather than apples to oranges. 

3.8 Stay out of spam folders 

The last thing you want is for your content to be misunderstood or misconstrued, so make sure it gets where it needs to go. If your emails are vanishing into spam folders, make sure your email marketing provider is whitelisting your recipients. Some emails end up in spam simply because of confusion over who was sending them, you may have inadvertently triggered an algorithm designed to identify specific content as malicious.


Some tips to write email marketing content in terms of staying out of spam folders can be: 

  • Use different subject lines or preview links if possible
  • Don’t use spam trigger words 
  • Avoid embed forms, including video, javascript, attachments, in your email
  • Don’t use all caps, red font, and too many keywords  

If you want more tips to write email marketing content, you can click here

4. Wrapping Up 

Email marketing is always an easy and cost-effective way to advertise and engage with customers, but making effective content can be tricky. To ensure that your emails get opened, read, and shared, keep the above tips to write email marketing content in mind as you’re crafting your next campaign. 

If you find this article helpful, do not forget to share it with your friends! And, happy selling! 
