
Increase Sales On Mother’s Day – A lucrative opportunity for every print-on-demand business to kick off their marketing campaigns. Mother’s Day is one of the biggest holidays when consumers worldwide usually spend their money to purchase the best things for their beloved mothers. 

Wonder why you should invest in Print-On-Demand business on this holiday? Read this article to discover more about the benefits of this service as well as some effective strategies to enhance your annual revenues. 

1. Mother’s Day and its reliable statistics


The beginning of a new year with many profitable holidays always offers chances for businesses to boost their product sales. After New Year’s day, Valentine and International Women’s Day, we have a celebration honoring mothers and motherhood, called Mother’s Day. This seasonal event is held in many countries on different days during March or May, so it is suggested that businesses should kick off their marketing campaigns during this period. 

According to National Retail Federation, about 83% of consumers intend to spend money for this holiday with average per-person spending of 220.48% in 2021 – which is also the highest in the survey’s history. The statistics also reveal that retailers can utilize this holiday trend and skyrocket their turnovers. Have a look at the convincing reasons below to consider why you should launch a print-on-demand business on Mother’s Day.

2. Why Increase Sales On Mother’s Day? 

2.1 Higher Shopping Demand than normal days

Like other festive seasons, Mother’s Day is also a lucrative holiday that every business wants to invest in. On this occasion, people will celebrate with their families, especially their beloved Moms, by giving them meaningful gifts and cards. Thus, taking advantage of this shopping habit makes it much easier for marketers to launch their campaigns.



Moreover, despite the detrimental effect of the COVID19 Pandemic, eCommerce businesses still lead the charge in the number of product sales, confirming the online shopping demand continues to grow and bring revenues. This helps the print-on-demand industry be confident in attracting customers to this service through its various customized products. 

2.2 Build Relationships with more customers

Retaining customers and building loyalty play a crucial role in one’s business. When you build relationships with your consumers, you can double or triple your sales in a much easier way.

It is time print-on-demand businesses created a positive festive feeling towards customers and made friends with their target audience. Choosing to increase sales on Mother’s Day helps you enhance your customer service by understanding what the buyers want as well as targeting more new loyal customers. So never lose a chance to communicate and empathize with them!


2.3 Chance to Raise your Brand’s Awareness

The fact that building relationships with more customers can also benefit you in terms of raising your brand’s awareness. Imagine you only have a few loyal customers, and they give you feedback with a wonderful experience when using your products, you will see that those customers have given you a chance to let the world know more about your service. 

Furthermore, Mother’s Day is an international holiday, so running campaigns to boost sales and collaborating with some influencers are ideal tactics to entice more people to discover your website and pay for your products. 

2.4 Benefits Of Print On Demand – Higher Chance To Success


Talking about holidays, especially on Mother’s Day, Print-on-demand businesses have more potential to gain higher revenues than other services due to their substantial and cost-effective benefits. 

First of all, when launching a print-on-demand business, you do not have to worry about inventory, as your company will only print some specific products when receiving an order. Furthermore, Print On Demand will help reduce your financial risks with a low-cost setup and flexibility in customizing your products.

As businesses always have to save a large budget for holiday marketing, we think Print On Demand is an ideal service to boost more product sales and spend on campaigns more affordably. 

2.5 Various Product Types 


One more important benefit that you should launch a print-on-demand business on Mother’s Day is that you can provide a variety of merchandise to your target audience. On some festive occasions like Mother’s Day, people would prefer something personalized and meaningful to give to their mothers, and print-on-demand businesses can offer that product type. 

Maybe you are thinking that print-on-demand products are only limited to paper and T-shirts. Keep reading to choose other niches and promote them to your customers on Mother’s Day. 

3. Best Niches To Increase Sales On Mother’s Day

3.1 Jewelry and Accessories 

Women love jewelry and accessories that can go with their clothes. Consider promoting this niche with the message of “Spreading the beauty to every mother” on this festive event to entice customers to visit your website. 

For this type of product, you do not have to make it sophisticated. People want something that represents simplicity and uniqueness. Some products that you can apply Print-on-demand service on Mother’s Day are: 

Jewelry: Necklace, Bracelet, Anklet, Ring (…)


Accessories: Tote bag, Face mask, Socks, (…)


3.2 Clothes – Family Items


A suggestion for your customers who want to enhance the family’s atmosphere is print-on-demand clothes, especially uniforms for a whole family or couples T-shirts for mother and daughter/mother and son.

Keep promoting various customized clothes, both Mother’s-day-related and other aesthetic products. Your audience will get bored if they only find a T-shirt with a “Happy Mother’s Day” on it!

3.3 Home Decorations


A niche suitable for both on this holiday and during the pandemic when we spend most of our time working from home is home decorations. Convince your customers that they need a new change for their home place to bring the Mother’s day vibes and impress their mothers. You can start personalizing some product types like:

  • canvas
  • posters
  • pictures (of a whole family, of their mothers)
  • Portraits of mothers 
  • Blankets
  • Pillows
  • (…)

3.4 Dining Supplies


The kitchen seems to be a favorite place of most mothers, so why not decorate it as a gift as well as making a surprise for your beloved one? For kitchenware, print-on-demand businesses can have a variety of customized products to launch for their target audience. For example: 

  • table linen
  • serving tray
  • plate
  • bowl
  • apron
  • lunch box
  • coffee/latte mug
  • (…)

3.5 Sportswear and Sports Gear

home-decorations-print-on-demand (1)

This niche will be the best-suit for sports mothers – the one who enjoys playing sports and appreciates if you can give them something supportive for their healthy habits. It can be: 

  • leggings
  • swimsuit
  • yoga mat
  • custom sport bra
  • gym socks
  • gym duffle bag
  • water bottle
  • (…)

3.6 Greeting Cards & Photos

Last but not least, the simplest is always the best! One of the most meaningful product types on Mother’s Day is greeting cards and photos. 

What designs can you put on your customized greeting cards and photos to sell to the customers? Consider bright colors such as pink, red, or yellow to bring the love vibes to the mothers. Next, you should choose graphics related to this festive event, something adorable like flowers, hearts, or something that represents a strong and independent mother.


4. Marketing Tips To Increase Sales On Mother’s Day

After analyzing statistics on Mother’s Day and selecting your best niches to launch on this event, you may want to take some tactics as references and test new marketing ideas. We have some pocket tips for you below. Check it out!

4.1 Look Beyond Previous Holidays 

Remember before Mother’s Day are other important holidays, and you may already kickstart some campaigns during that period. When looking back on the last holiday campaign, some common mistakes that you can have might be not meeting the deadlines, running many tactics simultaneously, to name a few. So it is time to re-analyze your previous data and make new plans for Mother’s Day.

If your last marketing campaigns worked well and brought a lot of profits, you can continue applying them. Or else, you can test new strategies and collect more feedback to improve them. In the business world, there will not be a perfect view for someone who doesn’t dare to make mistakes. Be confident in kickstarting your tactics! 


4.2 Get started earlier

As there will not only be you launching campaigns on Mother’s Day but also other marketers, so be prepared for this competitive season. So as not to make mistakes like the last time, you should: 

  • Set specific and realistic goals – the future that you can achieve.
  • Make sure you already choose which platforms to promote your products. 
  • Create a timeline for each campaign. You may not want to mess up every effort that you put into this holiday marketing. 
  • Customize PPC Campaigns: Identify the main keywords that people most search for when it comes to Mother’s Day.

During the COVID19, we recommend launching your marketing campaign online will ensure safety for everyone, and customers can scroll your website for other products.


4.3 Offer special discounts and freebies

The most effective way to cultivate loyalty is to give something free to your customer when they purchase a large number of products. Here are some tips that you can consider: 

  • Freebies: free shipping, Mother’s Day cards, gifts, and can even be your new merch. 
  • Up to 30%, 50%, 70% Discounts: Remember to select a suitable discount for each type of product. 
  • Membership: When your business is a bit well-known, you can retain customers by offering them value through membership cards.
  • Limited-time sales: This will help remind your customers about the campaign and urge them to shop for your products.
  • Email promotions: A reminder about both your service and Mother’s Day. The fastest way to announce your new merch to your customers.


4.4 Stir up customers’ emotions 

This is what we call emotional marketing in the business world. If you want to boost sales on Mother’s Day, you have to empathize with your target audience and understand their feelings during this season. There are several ways that you can provoke someone’s happiness when it comes to a holiday to honor motherhood. You can start with: 

  • Post wholesome and festive-related content on your website to remind them about the holiday
  • Create gift guideposts: your posts can be their materials to express their sincerity to their beloved Mothers. 
  • A small clip about Mothers: before doing it, consider your team and your budget.
  • Mother’s Day contest: It can be “Send us a picture of your best moments with your mom” and offer rewards – Let the customers tell you their stories. 
  • Gift Packaging Process: If you care about your package, it means you care for the customer’s experience. They will feel much more grateful when choosing your products to give to their Moms.


4.5 Celebrities And Influencers 

To accomplish your goals on Mother’s Day more quickly, you can invite celebrities and influencers to promote your products. Before applying this tactic, ask yourself: 

  • How much budget will you spend on a marketing influencer?
  • Whom should you collaborate with?
  • Is their target audience the same as yours?
  • How to contact them? 
  • Do you have content for them to promote your products?

And so much more!

As you can see, getting things started earlier always benefits you and gives you more time to consider many important steps in your business.

4.6 Utilize Social Media To Run Ads


Social Media Channels are large and effective platforms for you to kickstart your marketing ads. You can consider launching your print-on-demand campaigns through various channels: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tiktok, and the like, are the most popular apps with billion worldwide users every day. When utilizing these channels to promote your products, you should: 

  • Use prospecting ads to gain brand awareness
  • Not run the same ads for every group of the target audience.
  • Always post content with hashtags related to Mother’s Day 
  • Use aesthetic and festive relevant images/videos/…
  • Follow the current trends

Final thoughts

There are also other tactics that you can take note of. But above are the best for you to make use of during the current time. While launching the marketing campaigns, you have to be alert about COVID19 Information to get your business quickly adaptable. Therefore, our advice is to stay on-trend and up-to-date every minute so that you can prepare everything in advance to achieve the best outcome on this holiday campaign.

