Create Listings to sell on Ebay

This documentation will guide How to Create listings to sell on eBay business by using Podorder tool.

Here are your preparation:

  • Ebay Seller Store
  • Fulfillment Provider Service
  • Podorder Account

On Podorder dashboard > Items (In sale)

1. Create Product Type

Firstly, you have to connect Podorder with Ebay store and fulfillment provider.

Then Tap on “Product Type” > Add new product type

add product type print on demand podorder

Choose Fulfillment Provider and add product type to hub:

create product type pod business

Fill product type information and Save with all changes.

add new product type print on demand podorder

View all Product types on Podorder:

print on demand product type podorder

2. Add Internal Product

add new internal product ebay

Click on the button plus “+” to add new internal product. Then choose product type to add new internal product.

add product type pod podorder

Product information:

print on demand product detail information

Attribute and Variations:

product attributes variation


product designSize chart: product sizechart

3. Upload Product To Ebay Store

At internal products, select product and upload to store

upload product to ebay store

Upload to store:

manual schedule upload product to ebay store

  • Export Amazon CSV:export amazon csv
  • Schedule time to upload product to store:

upload according to store plan

  • Upload Product a few minute

upload after a few minutes

Affter uploading successfully, you can manage all eBay listings here:

external products

This is the documentation How to create Listings to sell on eBay. Hope that it work well.

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